Sunday, August 7, 2011

Kangaroos, Koalas, and Kookaburras. Oh my!

On Mom's recent visit we took two road trips, one north of the city to Yanchep National Park, and one south to the coastal town of Bunbury. Here are some of the highlights:


Koala! Not native, however the have several captive Koalas in an enclosure within the park.

Kookaburra! Not a great picture, but they were very camera shy.
Oh my! A Red Wattle Bird enjoying a cup of coffee.

A Purple Swamp Hen

A friendly duck.
A Ringneck Parrot, also know as a "28" parrot, although I have yet to figure out why...

Bunbury is know for it's local dolphin populations. One group in particular often swims close to shore and interacts with humans in the mornings during the summer.

Bunbury is an active shipping port and the dolphins seem to enjoy playing in the bow waves of the large ships and eating the fish that are stir up from the bottom after the ships passage.

Taken from the highway on the way home from Bunbury.  The end to a wonderful weekend.