Thursday, May 26, 2011

Night Sky

The view from our front lawn at dusk looking west towards Fremantle.

A (somewhat) rare planetary alignment seen from our front yard with dawn approaching. The 4 visible stars are actually Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Nighttime Spider Hunting

So for those of you that may not know, spiders here are large enough that they create an eye-shine at night when you shine a flashlight on them. This gives you a pretty good idea of how many spiders are out there if you go looking for them.

The main species you see at night is the wolf spider, which i a ground dwelling, free roaming hunter with a mildly venomous bite, it won't send you to the hospital but if you look at the fangs in the next picture you will agree with me that avoiding being bitten is probably a pretty good idea.

This spider is thinking: "If I were big enough, I would eat you."

This is a Garden Orbweaver

Close up!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Geoff's Arrival

I know that the blog has been neglected as of late, but I recently purchased a new computer, and will now be able to update the blog with out borrowing Caitlin's laptop, so hopefully that will mean more regular updates on the picture front.

Geoff's plane ready to disembark passengers.

A happy but tired Geoff arrives in Australia.